Saturday, September 21, 2013

Rwanda buildings

Saturday,September 21
Peter the slave driver Great left early this AM with a partial crew to work on the roof of the third building- half is done . Most of us went to the Genocide Memorial Museum. It is truly a moving experience. So needless. So many children. So many orphans. So many displaced people. This museum also has a few rooms dedicated to the genocides that have occurred in other countries of the world : Armenia, Cambodia, Yugoslavia, Germany. Lest we forget. After this we went for lunch for burritos. Brad's pick - good choice. Came back to the hotel, grabbed suitcases and most left for the flight home. A new crew arrivedat 3:30. Now things will really start popping inside. I expect that all will be done by next Friday.
I must mention last night's farewell dinner. All of the USA crew, many of the teachers, Jean Baptist, many Rwandan workers, and some students were included. A buffet dinner was served and we were treated to local Rwandan dancers ( who must be the most in shape people on this planet) and then we in the audience joined in. Lots of,fun and laughter. 
Blogger is going  to see the Silverback gorillas tomorrow.This has been a most rewarding experience . Thank you to all who have supported this endeavor.


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