Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Wednesday, September 18
Today was a break day. Some went to play golf,some went to the Akagera
 National Park , some just went downtown.
The golfers had a wonderful day of,golf playing with steel shaft clubs and
  hiking-ie : this was a challenging course on the legs. One unidentified 
  member of this six-some hit his golf in the water. The ball reliever was the 
  Caddie who dove in, retrieved the ball, and then sold it back to the golfer. LOL
The Park  14 members, jumped out of bed at 3:45 AM, hopped on our regular
   bus and drove around until 5:30 PM on less than smooth roads but they
   did get to see the country side and some great animals: a raft of hippos,
   Baboons, Impalas, Topis, Zebras! Bushbacks, hogwarts, great birds,
   Elephant, and beautiful lakes. Our driver is to be highly commended 
   navigating these roads! I personally thanked the Lord for getting us back in      one piece and without a broken axle.
I would  like to have this driver in Florida at the height
   of the season just to get me out of the Publix parking lot. 
Dan and Kevin went to see the property that has been purchased for next
   years project . 
Dinner was special as we had 4 board members, and others that work for the 
  School. Jean Baptist gave a very inspiring talk.
Until tomorrow.


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